blondness rarefied.


Get Graphic.

Plat back,

Why should you be limited to one medium?

Graphic designers have honed the art of combining photography, drawing, and digital manipulation. These artists break the norm creating images that can bend your perception of reality.

Get with it. Get Graphic.

The Interlude by Archan Nair

Archan Nair has a keen eye for color and shape. CHECK HER OUT. BUY HER SHIT.

The Victory Banner by Leo Anthony Oliva

Leo Oliva, a student at Ithaca College, has mastered the art of the spray can. Combining free hand spray and stencil design, he has created a collection of amazing pieces. Check out more from him and his excellent blog HERE!


Miss Plat here, back on my bloggin’ grind.

For the past two weeks, I have been lucky enough to twist my perspective an enjoy a new culture. So far, Korea has shown me the mindmending power of a soju (rice wine) hangover,  the benefits of never having to leave a bar to smoke dirt cheap cigarettes, and most importantly the necessity of kimchee at every meal.

But these are mere accessories in the juicey culture I have dunked my head in.


Damn, these boys can dance. I had the opportunity to attend R16, an urban art festival and break dancing competition. From the moment I sat in my overly comfortable concert seat, these jacked b-boys had my full attention and my heart. Crews from Khazistan, France, Taiwan, Russia, Japan, China, USA, and Korea came out to share the love and respect of b-boying and the hiphop culture around it. Thanks Vimeo for da vid!


The perfect comlpiment to the yummy dancer boys was the side dish of delicious graffiti murals. Street artists from around Seoul gathered to spray their love of art over the hiphop influenced scene. Check out local Seoul artist Xeva’s fresh style in his work “Canvas”.

Canvas by Xeva

Canvas by Xeva

 Thanks to google images for lettin’ me steal this pic!


The cherry on top of my exciting day and evening was the surprise performance from the Korean hiphop star Drunken Tiger. I did not expect much from the less than sober feline but he yet again showed me a taste of K-Swag. Take a lil’ listen for yourself.

Thanks YouTube. You always come through for us blondies.

Grab Bag of Goodies

After much delay, Plat is back bringing the goods.

Wrap you mind around this vid. This epic combines bold wiggley shapes with the musical stylings of Blockhead for truly the trippiest video ever.

A special thanks to Petey M and Youtube for this fabulous find.

Oh and anybody else like Sleigh Bells? Because you should. This Brooklyn duo masters noise pop while being way too cool for school. Check you the new music video for Rill Rill. It’s banging.

Shout out to Shawn Barder. Check out his excellent combination of body art and oil mastery.

Self Portrait by Shwan Barber

Thanks Youtube and Shawn Barber for today’s goodies.

Bounce Little Kitty….

CALLING ALL CAT LOVERS. Plat here bringing a much needed dose of feline frenzy. For all my cat ladies and dudes, take note.

First off, OH MAN.

Let’s Make Nasty by Larry Tee (remixed by AfroJack) has been all up in the business of my brain as of late. After spending the weekend with a fellow blogger, I can’t keep away from this kitty-cat jam. Go ahead. Bounce around. I know you wanna.

Secondly, Wow! That’s one big kitty.

Dank Persian Tiger

Tigers of Wrath by Walton Ford

Walton (The Man) Ford uses water colors to create these Audubon-esque behemoths. Learn more about his Tigers of Wrath here.

Lastly, I give you Dancing with Cats.


I kid you not

Dancing with Cats

I kid you not kiddies, this artform most certainly exists. In fact, I have a legitimate website to prove it. Try me.

Oh, and you’re gonna wanna check out this “behind the scenes” footage. Haahahahahahah.



Strawb again, just a quickie. I took the liberty of parsing Alan Watts’ “The World as Self” so that you wouldn’t have to go digging for that cherry-on-top finish to your favorite religious flamewar.

It's like listening to Alan Watts through a kaleidoscope, Thanks Randal Roberts

By “parse” I surely mean “combed somebody’s 21-part upload.” Thanks Youtube.